BTS Episode 13 - Emma Gerstein

JT and Matt speak with Emma Gerstein, second flutist of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
Emma Gerstein, the 2nd flute of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, joins us to talk to us about how she went from playing with the New World Symphony, to winning a position around the world with the Auckland Philharmonia in New Zealand!  And then, how she won her current position with her hometown orchestra, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. She talks about how she prepared for the CSO audition while having a full-time job, and prioritized practicing her excerpts vs practicing for that week’s orchestra concert. Emma reveals how many auditions she has taken, and how she dealt with the losses and kept getting up afterwards. There’s always one more. Emma leaves us with one of the best mantras we’ve heard so far: “Leave your ego at the door.” What does she mean by that? Listen in to find out!

2021 Behind the Screen